Monday, December 6, 2010

Auspicious Feng Shui Colors to Use Today



No matter what you might think of Feng Shui, there are certain colors that you know make you feel better than others. For example, you might have a red shirt that makes you feel like you could take on the world each time you wear it. You are attracting good energy when you wear that shirt and the more you believe you are, the more you will attract. In Feng Shui, the same idea applies.


There are certain colors which have been shown time and time again to not only attract positive energy, but also to produce positive results. If you just want to add more money to your bank account or improve communication in your relationships Feng Shui color will help you do it.


Color for Luck


If you’re in need of some good luck, many people who practice Feng Shui will add red to their lives and to their offices. This color is bright, bold, and inviting. It adds warmth to any situation and it allows you to pull in all of the luck you need for a job interview, relationship, or any other situation where you might need help. If you find that bright reds are too much, you might want to use muted reds as they will work as well, but they might be more appealing to you personally.


We have all experienced someone walking by wearing red that attracts our attention. This is because the color red has the highest/largest electromagnetic field. The color literally reaches out and touches you and grabs your attention.


Color for Growth


While this may not come as a surprise to you, green is a color that’s used quite often in Feng Shui for growth. If you want your career to takeoff or you want something in your life to become bigger, then you will want to use green in your surroundings. Think about adding plants to your space or wearing green. And of course, green is associated with money, so that makes sense to use it more often when you need a larger bank account balance.


Color for Positive Energy


Many people feel that yellow is too cheery of a color for them, but Feng Shui associates it with royalty. You can use yellow to add positive power to your home or to your office. This will help you to begin to see the brighter side of things, which may be all you need to break out of a funk.


Colors can change the way you feel while also changing the way your life moves. With these Feng Shui tips, you can begin to see your world become more colorful and more prosperous.


Color for Communication


The color blue is great for improving communication whether you paint in on your walls for wear a blue suit. Any shade of blue works, besides it is the color that is most favored by the majority of people. In Business use it in the conference room to aid your negotiations. At home use it in the bedroom to enhance all types of communication.

Please consult with me about your success area

Best regards,

Young Feng Shui Master


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