Feng Shui and Creating More Cash Flow

Consider if you will the financial situation most of us are in. Many of us can afford the basics, housing, car, food, and clothes. There may not be much else that we can afford however. It seems really unfair to work as hard as most of us do and not reap the rewards of vacations or new furniture. It doesn’t really matter why you want to make more money; you just know that you do.

Maybe you want to prepare for your own retirement or your children's college funds. It could be that debt is overwhelming and you want to find some freedom from the constant worry and struggle. You see plans and strategies advertised everywhere to help with financial debt. It could be that you have tried some of them and either they don't work or they aren't working fast enough to suit you.

Feng Shui can Help you Make More Money

The good news is either on its own or in combination with your current budget or financial plan, Feng Shui can help you make more money. This isn't the time to scoff. If you didn't need help, you wouldn't be concerned about money in the first place.

Feng Shui has been around longer than the advertised money plans and organizations. If it didn't work, so many people wouldn't make it a part of their lives. In order to reap the full benefits of Feng Shui and making more money, you have to focus on both your home and the area in which you work. Some of us work at home, while most others have an office space.

Start with Your Home

Let's start by looking at your home first. One benefit here is that having your home ready for Feng Shui and making more money is likely to positively influence the other aspects of your life. Are you ready to make a difference in your bank account? Great, let's get started.

The very first thing you need to do is clean. Hey, no one said there wasn't some work involved. Go through every room, closet, and cabinet space. Throw away anything that is broken, you no longer use, or don't like. The idea is to create a positive energy flow throughout your home and life. Once you have it Feng Shui ready, make sure you keep it that way.

Growing Your Money

With Feng Shui and making money, it is important to incorporate the philosophy of growth into your home. The easiest way to do that is to place plants around your home, especially in the wealth and fame areas. There isn't anything that inspires growth more than a green plant. If you really don't have the time or patience to take care of plants, use artificial ones. The only thing you will have to do for those is make sure they stay free of dust and clean.

Pimping Your Ride

Your car or vehicle has bearing on your financial success. After all, most of us go to and from work in a car. If you use yours for business, such as driving potential clients around, it is even more important. No one is suggesting you run out and buy a new car you can't afford, just make sure the one you have is kept clean both inside and out.

Our positive energies and productivity are more likely to be helpful when they have the space to flow as intended. If you wouldn't want a stranger to see your car, then you know it's time to clean it.

Your Office is Just as Important as Your Home

Now that your home and car are ready for Feng Shui and the transition to making more money, it's time to focus on your work space. Just like the house and car, this area has to be cleaned well and all of your supplies should be properly organized. In addition to allowing productivity and good chi to flow, it is also more impressive to your co workers and supervisors.

In other words, it helps to impress the people who could potentially make or break your career and money flow. The use of green plants here has the same benefit as having them in your home. Some businesses have rules against live plants due to allergies of others. If this is the case in the space where you work, don't hesitate to use the artificial varieties. That shouldn't cause any type of problem.

Confidence Puts Money in the Bank

Of course, making more money with Feng Shui isn't the only thing you want out of life. But there is no doubt that it is easier to create balance and harmony in your life when money concerns aren't so stressful.

You will find greater peace when your latest bank statement isn't the only thing on your mind. Not only will the Feng Shui changes leave you more comfortable and relaxed, they will inspire greater confidence and respect from others. There is no way that won't help you put more money in the bank.