Feng Shui Prosperity Tip

Feng Shui Prosperity Tip

If your goal is more Prosperity and Money you must have a whole life. Let me give you an example of wholeness:

Lets use your car as an example. You are driving down the road to an important meeting, suddenly, steering the car becomes difficult and you hear a thudding noise. You realize that one of your tires has gone flat. You pull to the side of the road, upset, you are going to be late. You think, I am just a block away from my meeting, do I just continue to drive my car? I will ruin the tire and it will take me more time to get there or do I wait for someone to come by and help me?

You see when you are driving on all 4's your life is whole, everything runs smoothly. When just 1 element is not working it throws a kink into you plans and life.

 To be successful in your career and business you must:

 have a good reputation (the Fame area),

 have quality customers (Relationship area),

 be creative in the way you advertise and in the services and products you offer (Children/Creativity),

have people who support you with products and services (helpful people),

have a purpose (Career),

have the information , knowledge and insight on what and how to do it (New Knowledge) and

have the support and love from a group of people (Family).

When all areas of your life are working like a well oiled machine so too will your Prosperity and Money!

When setting your prosperity and money goals look to create wholeness in every aspect of your business life. Write your affirmations with each one of these life stations in mind. The products and enhancements below will help you in creating a whole life.

These are the specific cures that I would recommend when You desire to Increase Your Prosperity: